Between June 26 and June 30, a survey was made available for respondents to share their thoughts on the June 25 votes of the Faculty Council on various motions for proposed actions on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
The creators of the survey, Wade Hyde (El Centro), Carlos Martinez (Richland), and Matt Hinckley (Eastfield), used the survey to identify faculty from the campuses they represent, who were interested in working on a potential Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task force. Hyde, Martinez, and Hinckley, forwarded the names of these self-identified faculty from their respective campuses, to Keith Baker, who was charged to gather information on existing DEI efforts across the District. The purpose of the survey having been accomplished, the survey was closed.
While this effort was ongoing, the survey link made its way to faculty at other campuses, and many faculty at those campuses were encouraged by colleagues at their campuses to complete it. As a result, after the survey was closed, the other members of the Faculty Council requested data from the survey. In order to ensure that all DCCCD faculty have equal access to the same information at the same time, the aggregated results are presented here. No personal identifying information is being shared or published. Names of respondents have been expunged from the raw data to protect anonymity. Also, note that the survey was voluntary, that respondents optionally could agree or decline to answer all demographic questions, and even those who did choose to answer demographic questions could select “prefer not to answer” to any individual question. As you will see below, some campuses had very few respondents. Consequently, disaggregated data (by campus) will not be published. There were 122 total survey respondents.
The first question asked, "In response to a charge made on June 22, 2020, by DCCCD Board of Trustees Chair Diana Flores, as well as Chancellor May’s June 16th email on observing Juneteenth, the DCCFA Council recently discussed what actions the faculty association could take to support diversity, equity, and inclusion. Please reorder, ranked from the best course of action to worst, which course of action would you recommend the faculty association take in this regard:"
74 said their first choice was to "Immediately from a DCCFA task force on diversity, equity, and inclusion;"
29 said their first choice was to "Charge one Faculty Council member to survey existing District efforts on diversity, equity, and inclusion before forming a task force;"
19 said their first choice was to "Do nothing;"
The second question asked, "Would you personally be willing to serve a DCCFA task force on diversity, equity, and inclusion?"
49 said Yes
40 said Maybe
33 said No
The third question asked, "Are you willing to answer a few personal demographic questions to help us better quantify respondents?"
109 said Yes
13 said No - these respondents then were not asked any further questions
This left 109 respondents who answered the demographic questions. The 109 answered the following questions:
My primary CAMPUS location is:
10 identified their home campus as BHC
7 identified their home campus at CVC
17 identified their home campus as EFC
28 identified their home campus as ECC
23 identified their home campus as MVC
5 identified their home campus as NLC
17 identified their home campus as RLC
2 preferred not to say
I define my GENDER as :
36 self-identified as a man
68 self-identified as a woman
5 preferred not to say
I define by RACE/ETHNICITY primarily as:
1 self-identified as American Indian or Alaskan Native AND Black
1 self-identified as American Indian or Alaskan Native AND Hispanic or Latino
1 self-identified as American Indian or Alaskan Native AND White
6 self-identified as Asian
1 self-identified as Asian and White
22 self-identified as Black or African American
12 self-identified as Hispanic or Latino
3 self-identified as both Hispanic or Latino AND White
56 self-identified as White
6 preferred not to say
5 self-identified as Bisexual
5 self-identified as Gay or Lesbian
90 self-identified as Straight/Heterosexual
9 preferred not to say
Are you challenged with a DISABILITY, such as: difficulty hearing; difficulty seeing; difficulty speaking or language impairment; mobility limitation/orthopedic impairment; traumatic brain injury;...
24 answered Yes
4 answered Maybe
75 answered No
6 preferred not to say
I define my GENERATION as:
1 defined their generation as Greatest Generation
2 defined their generation as Traditionalists/Silent Generation
29 defined their generation as Baby Boomer
53 defined their generation as Gen X
13 defined their generation as Gen Y/Millennial
4 defined their generation as Other/undefined
7 preferred not to say